Looking for a unique way to get involved with Habitat MidOhio?
Habitat MidOhio is in search of volunteers for two new home builds this fall/winter!
15th Women Build House
Are you ready to build with us? Women Build #15 has begun and we are looking for volunteers to join the crew. Since 1992, Habitat MidOhio Women Build volunteers from all walks of life have come together to address the housing crisis faced by women and children in Central Ohio. Our Women Build program provides the opportunity for women to take a proactive step in serving their communities.
Want to get the Women Build Newsletter? Join our mailing list and select "Women Build Newsletter" to subscribe!
Beloved Community House
This January, Habitat MidOhio will begin construction on its first Beloved Community House. An idea made popular by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Beloved Community is a community that includes diversity and allows for tension undergirded by love and leading to transformation. To realize this transformation, we must truly love our neighbors as we love ourselves. And we must commit to tangible action. Take action today by clicking here for more information.
To volunteer on either site, please contact volunteers@HabitatMidOhio.org